• An incredible compilation of testimonies from farmers and their families who faced difficult times of drought, financial strain and health challenges – has been put together for you to download to read.
  • This is to encourage all who work in the Agriculture industry that there is a living God who is mighty to save!
  • Currently only available in Afrikaans.
  • Free to download and share!!
  • Consider looking at the photo gallery below (scroll down) of photographs sent to us by Theunis Pretorius concerning the devastating drought that hit their farm (and also many parts of Southern Africa); and the miracle growth of the crops for those farmers who trusted completely in God's power to deliver them!

Click below to download and remember to share with others in the Agriculture Industry!

Or view the booklet online here…

<iframe style=”width: 1170px; height: 700px;” src=”http://online.fliphtml5.com/euygl/clwm/” frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” seamless=”seamless” allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”></iframe>